Heavy CPU usage Problem

Ever since I've resubscribed (so probably longer), Ryzom has consumed 100% of whatever CPU it's running on. It doesn't appear to use multiple CPUs, so set your CPU affinity for each instance of Ryzom, and you can run multiple clients without them bumping into each other.

Note: Intel's Hyperthreading makes it look like you have twice as many cores as you do, and while it usually works out that way, they are not truly additional cores; sometimes the two "pseudo-cores" will step on each other. So, if you have 2-core Intel cpu, you might see 4 CPUs listed, but 0 and 1 are the same core, and 2 and 3 are the same core. You can reliably run two instances of the game with minimal client-side issue.

I've never seen a time when Ryzom didn't consume 100% CPU, so I envy you if you experience otherwise =)
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Last visit Sunday, 12 May 06:59:53 UTC

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