Allow us to track for mission materials.

Just what it says in the subject; give us the same material prospecting specializations for the mission materials that we already have for the crafting materials. (Make them require a high forage level so newbies don't accidentally waste their first skill points on them.)

No, I don't think this would make the game easier. Without tracking they are such a grind to find that whenever an event or feature pops up that requires mission materials, what happens is that a few dedicated people go through that grind to find them, then post their location somewhere so that everyone else can just read where they are on a site or forum: And that's even easier than tracking them on your own.

And allowing us to track for them would in one swoop also give us some more use for those thousands of redundant forage skill points, *and* make hundreds of currently existing foraging missions suddenly actually have a use instead of being 'wasted' content that nobody ever uses because there's far easier ways to get fame.
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