
Competition types in Ryzom

After going through the game almost dying twice, which was very sad both times. Can we, as a community, consider that the more new people we get would mean the more money the game would get, would mean the more stable our beloved game will stay. Stop fighting new ideas so much, stop being Ryzombies, and be the good community we really are.

I expect this post being deleted soon, but whatever.

Seriously, i'm tired of some paranoid people over here thinking of Ryzom as of their very own private elite club. I'm sure, they would be happy, if psychological test dedicated to detect and drive out potential "jerks" would be implemented and must be successfully passed by anyone trying to play this game. All these self-promoted "voices of the community", struggling to repel anyone who doesn't fit their criteria of being "a nice person" and easily putting labels on people they have chatted with for a couple of minutes. You ask "wrong" questions in Uni? You must be griefer and troll, and in RL you start your day with kicking puppies. Go play another game. You like PvP? You are ganker for sure. Go play another game. You like to compete with other people in general? You are latent griefer. Go play another game. You gassed someone's cheap crap packer? You are griefer again and must be banned. Go play...

You all can hide in your little corner, every minute expecting bunch of griefers jumping on you from behind, but can't do that forever. Truth is, low populated games tend to die. List of examples proving it is quite long. Although, as i understand it, Winch Gate is doing its best to minimize financial costs by all means, it won't last forever either. Bigger population is needed, both for financial and gameplay reasons. Even if that will bring in game various types of players. Face it, deal with it, get used to it. Pissing off newcomers doesn't help population to grow up, as well as telling them to go away or convincing them to quit because "this game is not for you". Keep to yourself your kind advices and let them decide on their own, mkay. Stop RPing selectors trying to sort out black sheeps and judging who can and who can not enter the game.

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Last visit Friday, 10 May 08:09:49 UTC

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