
Event Post-Mortem

Heh, it just so happens that I just ran accross a little background that's probably exactly what you mean, Erizon. The following is from the Matis lore:
The Nerhtenaei-Karan is a secret organization. The representative of Nerhtenaei-Karan will be called "Yene" (mateis for "nobody"). This homin will execute missions of punishment on behalf of the King.

This Yene has been mentioned recently here, and was in this event of almost a year ago. And even though the above was public knowledge all that time, I doubt anybody realised it, so we all just saw her as "random NPC" rather than "head of the Matis assassin's guild". Which kind of means we all totally miss a part of the story that's going on.

I just felt a need to mention that here as it's exactly what you mean by background needing to be summarised and shared, I think? :P
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