
Event Post-Mortem

What I'm asking for is:
  • A brief summary of events leading up to the current event, as illustrated nicely in the Matis wedding summary. If this is the first event in the series, a more detailed version of the back-story is required and the example of the Matis wedding summary would not be sufficient.
  • A description of what the team running the event expected to happen, what goals they had for that specific event, and any (non-spoiler) thoughts about the event from the point of view of the events staff. This is basically the "interview with the director" or the "behind the scenes" type of information, and gives the rest of us a peek into your thought processes.
  • A summary of the what happened in the event leading up to each way-point. If the event is static, an accounting similar to that of the Matis wedding is quite sufficient. There is enough detail for all to know what happened. It's very easy to summarize since the event was scripted and unchangeable, even with the "unexpected" arrival of the Bloody Protesters.

    A more dynamic event would have a brief summary for each part of the event. Any options presented to the players and what they chose would be mentioned, including the impact their choices made on the flow of the story, especially if it was a "dramatic" choice that actually directed the flow of the story down one of potentially multiple paths. Parts of the event that didn't prove exceptionally noteworthy could be summarized together.
  • A summary of the conclusion to the event, including any teasers for the next event. Player choices should again be mentioned here, and any teasers should reflect how the player choices might set up the circumstances of the next event.

    Since I don't know what is planned for the next event following the Matis wedding, I can't say what kind of teaser should have been written in your specific case. However, the fact that there was a possible kidnapping of an important civilization leader should garner more than parts of two sentences, thus I think the conclusion summary may have fallen a little short: who was questioned about possible disappearances, did they act with normal levels of Matis haughtiness or were they more cautious or jittery than normal; what did those two strange Matis in Aeden Aqueous do, where did they come from and where were they going, with whom did they speak, were they actively trying to evade pursuit, etc. Basically, answer questions that players themselves might try to answer if this was part of the actual event itself.

But most importantly, instead of this being in a Wiki (which may also happen and is indeed a good thing), this should be placed in the official forums, in the official discussion thread for the event, to continue the discussion about the event, building up interest for the next event.
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Last visit Friday, 10 May 02:14:27 UTC

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