Temporary Insanity

Hello Homins!
Whats to talk about today? i dunno. But might aswell update the guild ranks i guess. So there is no confusion when people are looking to join guild.
Leader: Yakapo

High Officers: Liliang, iwishiwasfive, Jawjut, Kiela, Monje, Morbak and Stitch.

Officers: Ezex, Aalaru, Himiko, Hooja, Izakhunt, Keeblerelf, Liquiddy, Njuu, Raggedy, Whoop, and Wildfoot.

All High officers and Officers are active in ryzom currently, if you are interested in TI feel free to send them a tell at any time they are online.

As for current news? Waiting for the Matis to come and attack so we can kick some butt, killing bosses, grind teams, fame grinding teams and silly late night vent conversations.

I'd also like to welcome back old friends and guild members who are returning, Keena, Hitternl. :) we're glad to have you both back. To our members and friends who've left, you are missed. ♥♥♥

Truth, Honor, and all that Fyros jazz. Until next time.


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)
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Last visit Saturday, 7 September 15:08:39 UTC

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