
The think about multiboxing that ppl seem to forget is that everyone can do it. It is allowed for all Ryzom players to have up to 4 accounts logged at the same time, subbed or free to play.

I read ppl write in this post, that because they dont want to play with alts (for RP or non RP reasons) or they cant sub alts them selfs or their PC/laptop cant handle more clients at the same time. there should be a change that matches their limit and/or their opinion on how Ryzom should be played.

For the RPers: what makes you think that by stopping ppl multiboxing will make them magically wanna RP ? ...and lets face it, your idea of RP is: u are an other faction i dont talk play or help u with anything. dat is not RP :P That is an other thing that i wont name.

For the, my PC/laptop cant handle and i cant afford more then 1 account: My PC can and i can pay for more then 1 sub. So what u basically are saying here is that If you can not sub 1 alt or u think it is wrong to play with alt or cause u play from a launch box PC , the rest of the server also should not sub/play their alt ? Thats the spirit :P Free Ryzom Spirit
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