A public invitation

Bankun Ominë

Alassea and Bonfante of the ShadoWalkers Clan have decided to unite their souls in marriage! The ceremony will be officiated by myself at the heart of Virginia Falls at 13h - Quarta, Nivia 28, 1st AC 2608*. The married couple to-be will present us with the results of the challenge imposed by their partner as the marauder tradition dictates and pronounce their Union vows if deemed worth. Spectators of all civilisations and cults are encouraged to attend, witness and pay tribute to the couple.

Attire: Black and/or Marauder Items and/or faction items(Faction skirt, Eurok'an or Tribe Commander armor!)

Let us gather to celebrate love and witness the joining of two hearts. Come numerous!

*OOC: Sunday, 3 May 2020 19:00:00 UTC (4 years ago)



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