Losing level/experience when the maximum death penalty is reached

Good this is a forum and ideas are not set in stone, as some people always assume.
Isn't the death penalty a penalty by itself? Getting 10 stacks of DP takes some 20-30 minutes just to clear, so you can start leveling again. Or waiting some hours while it wears off.

Yeah it is a penality. But if you reach a specific level or you mastered a tree. You don't care about it.
The way I see things, this would punish exactly the kind of people that you don't want to punish. People don't get max DP while leveling: in that case they die once or twice, get rezzed, clear off that penalty, continue leveling etc.

This punishes the daring explorer, the one trying to see new places that are normally above their skill level. And it especially punishes the low level players, who are still trying to fight their way through Ryzom's difficult learning curve.

It is certainly not my intention to put obstacles in the way of newcomers. Or to make it harder. I think it is not mature and needs discussion. Why else did I put it in here?

It should apply to those who have already levelled certain branches and are in a high level above 200. These Homins then belong less to the explorers.

I just get the impression that players who have mastered everything have no right to level anything. So they are "done" and bum around.

Of course there is also hunting, NPC bosses, duels, missions and of course role playing, but at the "level enjoyment" they belong to the excluded ones.

Starting over again is really the only way to get the "level experience" back in the team with newcomers. For example when leveling in a group with lvl250 creatures.

Helping newbies level up is only 2 ways for a master: Enchanting and healing outside the team. This is the design of Ryzom. Even if only 1 or 2 levels are lost, you can easily make up for it.

A death penalty with level loss would be a natural demotion. A degradation after a certain time would also be possible (of course it is the game time, not the real time).
If you have a highly specific behavior in mind, for instance marauders using death-teleporting as a cheap way to reach new places... well, let's come up with something that only targets said specific behavior.

That's really a different matter then. Deathporting is also used by rangers, because they have no teleporting possibilities in the prime roots (not from anywhere within the prime roots) and others. It was designed that way from the beginning and can't be prevented from being used that way. But higher penalties can be implemented, for all players over 200, so in that sense: A change in the punishment when you reach level X. This has no influence on PVP at the moment anyway.


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