[Fyros] The Empire's Shield: The Thesos stockpile Robbery (2019-10-25)

Ibiritis Ibirus was more than satisfied overall.

With the handful of defenders she had been able to gather following the warning of her spies, they had managed to thwart the Marauders in their attempt to plunder the site.

Unable to recover their packers, the Marauders clans had left them behind, as well as the cargo that their mektoub-driver had somehow managed to load into the bags.

But the Clans had not withdrawn until they had been able to inflict serious damage on resources: oil and sap escaping from crushed jars and now impregnating the sawdust, crates of wood overturned and their contents shattered to pieces.

Despite her invective - or perhaps because of it, she thought - the damage report was slow to come, which was not a good omen. She may need to call on the patriots again to quickly compensate for the losses. Or even worse... begging for the help of the Barkers.

However, something more worrying was on her mind: the presence at the head of the marauders of this giant homin - probably a zorai given his size and his dragging gait - entirely concealed under a red armor. She had never seen him before. But she had heard a lot about him.

Akilia Storm of Ashes' second in command, The Scarlet, was back.

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