
Ryzom Forge meeting report- 2017-11-20

Management of Players ideas

I have a project fo better manage the "ideas fo the players": each player would have xx "vote points" to use by using them in his favourite players ideas. With the possibility to change his mind and so to take back points from an idea to give them to another one. When he'll have no free vote point left, he could not vote anymore. When an idea would be added ingame (and archived, tagged or anything else useful), the player would have back the points he gave to this idea.

Ex: 10 vote points for each player account. The player could share them between his favourite ideas (giving 10 points to one project, or 4 points to one, 1 to another one, etc. As he would want. Free system.
No free point left but a nice new idea: would have to choose. Renouncing to this new idea, or giving less points to another one. ^^
A project added ingame = he gets the given points back and can use them for other projects.

Of course, we should keep the current forum "Player Ideas" in archives and reopen a new one, for more clarity.


Lyne: It's a number of points per account or per char? How many points do the F2P accounts have?

Tamarea: This remains to decide. Still in thinking. What do you think ?

Moniq: My first idea was exploit by more characters/accounts so do you suggest any way how to limit it?

Eleanide : That's a good idea if the vote is actually bind to the account. It will allow to see proposals and their popularity.

Moniq: Generally, I like the idea but I think this is the feature for p2p. Depends on how valuable 1 point will be. If 10 is significant, none for f2p, if 1000 points is not much, f2p can have 1 point to "test" the feature. We can also limit it by played time? how exclusive it supposed to be? Give points for played time, for example 1 point per Atys season, starting after 1st 2 days/weeks in game and/or getting level 35 + leaving Silan…

Tamarea: Seems too much difficult for a forum feature.

Lyne: I don't like the idea of the played time (I'm a bit too tired to explain it, but I could another day if you want).

Moniq @lyne: just suggestions how to limit exploiting with multimple accounts.

Tamarea: Would be possible to limit to Premium accounts, but what would we do with the points given by a player coming back to F2P?

Lyne: Don't change anything if the player goes back to F2P (keep his points where they were given but prevent him to change his vote).

Moniq @tamarea: can use points only when p2p, in time when unsubscribed it will be disallowed.

Eleanide: Only for P2P, then? Is that possible?

Tamarea: I think so, even if confirmation is needed.

Eleanide: Return to F2P = No more point for voting.


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