Gameplay de recrutement des gardes des villes (et campement marau)

Object : City guards recruitment

Text :
Based on the same system than the one proposed here : (insert link):

With the emergence of Fairhaven city guards (federal guards) in the past few weeks, an idea came to me. Remunerate the guards in each cities (marauder camp included) in order to prevent/protect enemy's incursions.
The general idea would be to have an NPC dedicated on the patrols/guards recruitment. To recruit more guards, players from the nation should have to give an certain amount of dappers (needs to be defined in function of the number of players in each cities).
If the tax is paid, the city is protected from intruders without the right fame (-25 in the country). If the tax is not paid, anyone is allowed in the city (including marauder characters).

In the case where the dappers are not your best, do not panic! You can also participate by equiping your guards and help them to become stronger. (kinda the same system that we have on OP, upgrade the guards from daggers fighter to launchers). By giving mats (digging mats or loot), you can participate by increasing the level of the guards recruited with the monnaie of your national comrades.

Example: You spend the money needed to recruit your guards. They will start patrolling without equipment. To improve their skills to the next level you will need to provide them weapons, etc... etc
Close combat -> Melee fight -> offensive/defensive magic -> launcher/heal
Each skill level taken by the guards will increase their damages.
An equivalent system could be use to increase their life by providing them better gear/armor.
Light Armor (basic armor no need to provide mats) -> mediom armor -> heavy armor
At each armor increase, NPC life could be twice increased.

The presence of those guards who suddenly spawn at Fairhaven will be explained and bring value in the nationalist players gameplay by connecting roleplay decision to the gameplay and vice-versa. Power to the player, if the players don’t provide anything for the guards recruitment the city will just not be protected

Recruitment will require an effort from the players that’s why the time spent between each recruitment needs to be long. This recruitment might occur every atysian cycle (18 real life days)


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