Enumerating the reasons why we can't fly.

Rendering a player at a specified height is not the problem, I want to find out what are the "Actual" problems associated with flying.
Ryzom was never designed with a z axis in mind. Let's say you overcome the technical difficulties with collision, data structures, network code, animations, models etc., who is going to re-balance the whole game?

If a player can jump around, mobs should be able to do the same. If you can fly, mobs should be able to do so aswell. While the idea of a kincher jumping at me down from a cliff is very thrilling, it will lead to a huge set of problems which need to be solved. Simply adding god mode and bunny hopping won't do.

You should never implement a substantial feature as an afterthought imho.



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Last visit Thursday, 9 May 21:19:02 UTC

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