21st of november 2016
1 Recruitment
URGENT: Following Gaueko's leaving, we have no more active native translator for the Spanish translation (and to help us fixing the Spanish interface and the texts for the rites and missions). If you're interested, please send a mail to : volunteer@ryzom.com, mentionning that you're volunteering for the Translation Team.
We're also looking for translators / proofreaders to English (1 FR -> EN), to German (1), to Spanish (3), to Russian (3) and to French (1). If you're interested, please send a mail to : volunteer@ryzom.com mentionning that you're volunteering for the Translation Team
2 Current translations
* Translation and release of the Lore document about zoraï justice ("Laï-le-ban"): http://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Zora%C3%AF_Justice
* Intensive translation of the various lore documents for Flora.
1 Recruitment
URGENT: Following Gaueko's leaving, we have no more active native translator for the Spanish translation (and to help us fixing the Spanish interface and the texts for the rites and missions). If you're interested, please send a mail to : volunteer@ryzom.com, mentionning that you're volunteering for the Translation Team.
We're also looking for translators / proofreaders to English (1 FR -> EN), to German (1), to Spanish (3), to Russian (3) and to French (1). If you're interested, please send a mail to : volunteer@ryzom.com mentionning that you're volunteering for the Translation Team
2 Current translations
* Translation and release of the Lore document about zoraï justice ("Laï-le-ban"): http://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Zora%C3%AF_Justice
* Intensive translation of the various lore documents for Flora.