
[GFX] Any plans on increasing graphic or just texture improving ?

Go away Browservice, go play your more high resolution games. It appears you don't want to help make things better?
Remember, there is other reasons to play a game than resolution. Go play Mario brothers for example, what the heck was 'Paper Mario?' People still love the game, even though the graphics weren't great! And didn't they revert to simple graphics in Zelda in one version also? There is other reasons to love a game than graphics.
People have been saying the same things you are since I started playing, and that was 5.5 years ago. How come Ryzom isn't dead yet? How come you left? How long did you play Ryzom? Is your attention span to short? Are you only interested in one facet of a game? (Graphics?) I suggest learning the other features of Ryzom like digging, crafting, recipes (Which takes extensive time), exploring, also, some of the more subtle parts of Ryzom. There was a recent post on whether Creatures are affected by certain 'Aim' attacks. Do you know the answer? If not, do more research! That is just ONE example, I can go on, do you want me to? Other players can chime in too, they have told me many things they love about the game.

Sorry if this post sounds mean, I don't mean that. I just want you to think about the abundant riches Ryzom already poseses and explore the other reasons for its fun-ness to play. If Graphics were all you wanted to comment on, than yes, it probably could be improved, but I'm really not worried about it at all. Other things would make the game much more interesting imo.

+1 on Bitttys first remark, and also +1 on Remigras remark

p.s. You strike me as someone like a magazine reviewer of MMORPG games who plays one for a while to review it, then stops, and writes an article about the game, while looking for negative things to say, hence my response the way i did.
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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 06:29:25 UTC

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