A less revealing MA Pants option!

Just my two cents worth here. As an MA crafter and wearer and, perhaps more to the point, an OUTFIT crafter and wearer, I have to agree with many of the above comments I (forget who argued for what). It all boils down to choice; more of it. I don't thing many people are seriously offended by how a cartoon is dressed. In the past there have been many discussions about, say Wonderwoman, Jessica Rabbit or Xena, and none of the arguments have affected the popularity or dress style of either. The argument then, as now to the Mary Whitehouses of this world is, if you don't like it don't look. Sure it may originate in a male dominated design world, some time way back when even I was a kid, in order to titilate a predominantly male-dominated audience, a large number of which then, as now, were somewhat underage. i think arguments about choice, however are equally as valid as those about decency, and that it is important to remember when upholding one person's choice, liberty or free speech that you are not restricting someone else's.

Anyway, I'm all for MORE armour choices, of all types, and as stated above, the fyros HA top concerns me much more than MA choices which in my experience as a Master MA crafter with a once-full order book, that MA is more often than not worn for effect than effectiveness. But as also stated, this is hardly a priority. I would much rather see more Lands added, for instance, for us all to explore, with new MoBs and races etc than argue over the niceties of our varied and wonderful collective dress-sense. /Ffi



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