
KipeeCraft 1.1a released

Arcueid (atys)
You can find the source (and freshly build binary) in the the box folder above or directly via https://app.box.com/s/skye04bveb4w4dmeyt7o

Thank you. Releasing the source code is a very good think and I can only hope you'll do the same for the whole project. However, now you released the source code, everyone can see your double copyright infringement. I urge you to acknowledge the following issues and take action in order to respect the licences of the third-party software you uses.


This source code is released under the MPL 1.1 licence. This licence allows you to distribute binaries only if this binary and its documentation include a specific notice.
3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.

You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the requirements of Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 have been met for that Covered Code, and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License, including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the Covered Code. […]


Thsi source code is released under both the MPL 1.1 and the LGPL 2.1 licences, it's up to you to choose the licence you want to comply with. Just like the MPL 1.1, the LGPL 2.1 has some limitations:
6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications.

You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the copy of this License. […]

For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an executable that you distribute.

I am positive that neither the binary you distributed nor the documentation/website contains the required notices. This is a very serious issue, you must respect other's people work.


Markanjio di Segafredo
Noble Gardien des Matis - Noble Matis Guardian
Fléau de l'Empire - Scourge of the Empire
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