
trash talking, mud slinging, and trolling

Abominable[ uh-bom-uh-nuh-buhl ]
1. repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome: an abominable crime.
2. very unpleasant; disagreeable: The weather was abominable last week.
3. very bad, poor, or inferior: They have abominable taste.

Corpulent: (of a person) fat.
synonyms: fat, obese, overweight, plump, portly,stout, chubby, paunchy, beer-bellied,heavy, bulky, chunky, well upholstered,well padded, well covered, meaty, fleshy,rotund.

Varmint: troublesome wild animal

Depraved: morally corrupt, wicked

Flatulent: suffering from or marked by an accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal

Execration: 1 :  the act of cursing or denouncing ; the curse so uttered 2 :  an object of curses :  something detested

There ya go Talk ;)



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