
Akenak-Sitzung Pyr Mitschrift

Rückblick auf die Akenak-Sitzung in Pyr vom 14. Medis 1. AZ 2575 (OOC: 28. September 2013):

Lerya sagt: (OOC: Something before we start, I will need to afk in few minutes, but I will come back soon.)
Abycus Zekops sagt: [28/09] The akenak Assembly begins in Pyr! / L'assemblée des akenak débute à Pyr !
Abycus Zekops sagt: (OOC: okay Lerya, thanks)
Jarnys looks around
Abycus Zekops sagt: Well, it's time to begin the assembly, even if there are not many people here...
Abycus Zekops looks at the akenak.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Who will lead this assembly?
Feylin verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Icus sagt: Do anyone know if Toshiho will be here tonight ? Rollocks already warned me he won't be able to attend the meeting.
Bardor sagt: I think he expected to come, but I don't see him
Icus sagt: I can do it, celiakos.
Abycus Zekops sagt: So the akenak Icus will lead the assembly.
Abycus Zekops smiles.
Icus sagt: Shall we start ?
Lerya sagt: Ney
Icus looks at Bardor.
Abycus Zekops sagt: ney!
Bardor sagt: ney
Icus sagt: }Before we start, the list of topic has been published a few days ago (on the fyros forum).
Icus sagt: celiakos, akenos, do you want to add something ?
Bardor sagt: dey, seems fine to me
Abycus Zekops sagt: dey, you can start.
Lerya sagt: We can add the topic I proposed the day list was published. If is not added yet of course.
Lerya sagt: If not, we can start.
Icus sagt: I was including it, actually.
Icus sagt: Fine.
Lerya sagt: Ok. So we can continue.

Icus sagt: I have a little question, though.
Icus sagt: I'm speaking to celiakos and akenak Bardor right now ;
Icus sagt: At the last assembly of Thesos, Toshiho was appointed akenos.
Icus sagt: I wasn't here but fortunately i got an amber cube.
Icus sagt: So here's my question : what exactly happened at this assembly to allow an homin who swear on Ma-Duk his allegiance to the Empire ?
Icus sagt: Shall i remind you that the sharük AND the akenak are both neutral ?
Icus sagt: That an akenak duty goes to the sharük and only the sharük, not to Ma-Duk, Jena, or whatever ?
Icus sagt: So tell me, how could this madness happen ?
Bardor sagt: He swore allegiance to the empire didn't he ?
Bardor sagt: Besides he swore both on in sap and Ma-Duk
Icus sagt: Yeah, exactly. He swore on Ma-Duk.
Icus sagt: That's *exactly* the problem.
Icus sagt: Our allegiance with the sharük is with the sharük. ONLY.
Icus sagt: It is not between you, Ma-Duk and the sharük.
Abycus Zekops sagt: The akenak allegiance is with the sharük, only, I agree.
Diwu verbeugt sich tief.
Daomei verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Lerya sagt: I want to add something. When I was appointed, I was Kami too. But my soul and body are with the Sharük. And they were when I was Kami too. Now I´m not. And I my allegiance is with the Sharük, only.
Abycus Zekops sagt: (Is it ok for you if I answer into french ? Too long for me to all write in English)
Rasaya verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Icus sagt: (i'll translate)
Irfidel grins to Rasaya
Abycus Zekops sagt: (Thank you)
Abycus Zekops sagt: akenak Icus, je suis d'accord avec vous sur le fait qu'un akenos, et donc un akenak, ne relève que de l'Empire
Icus translate Abycus zekops : akenak Icus, i agree with you that an akenos, and so an akenak, serve only the Empire.
Abycus Zekops sagt: et que sa religion personnelle ne doit en aucun cas entrer en compte dans ses choix ni dans ses actes lorsqu'il agit dans ses fonctions de celiakos.
Feylin sagt: (d'akenos ?)
Abycus Zekops sagt: (oui !)
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : and there is no way his personal faith must be taken in consideration in his choice nor his acts as an akenos.
Icus sagt: (will be taken*)
Abycus Zekops sagt: Mais lorsqu'il a prêté serment, il l'a fait en tant qu'homin et rien d'autre.
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : But when he swore an oath, he did it as a homin and nothing else.
Daomei nods: there are some tribes in the desert, still adhering the old (karavan) creed and yet 100% loyal to the empire
Abycus Zekops sagt: Un homin ayant une croyance religieuse certes, mais j'y ai avant tout vu un homin désireux de servir loyalement le sharük.
Lerya sagt: (OOC: Sorry, need to afk for a while. brb soon)
Abycus Zekops sagt: Si cet homin avait été karavanier, je n'aurais pas fait de différence.
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : A homin with a faith, yes, but i saw a homin willing to serve the sharük.
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : If he was a karavaneer, it would have been the same.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Peut-être n'aurait-il pas dû prêter serment sur sa religion en plus de sur sa sève, mais ce n'était pas une raison suffisante pour arrêter sur ses lèvres des paroles qui venaient de son coeur.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Maintenant qu'il est akenos, je serai le premier à veiller à ce que jamais sa religion n'influe ses choix dans la fonction qu'i est la sienne.
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : Maybe he should have swear only on his sap and not on his religion, but it wasn't a sufficient reason to stop words coming from his heart.
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : Now that he's akenos, i will check to be sure his faith won't distrub his choice in his function.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Mais il a le droit d'avoir une croyance religieuse, beaucoup parmi nous en ont, moi inclus, même si hormis ces quelques mots en ce moment, jamais vous ne m'entendrez en parler, car cela ne concerne que moi et non mes fonctions de celiakos.
Abycus Zekops fixe Icus.
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : But he's allowed to believe in something. Most of us do, including myself, even if except this few words, you will never hear me speak of it, because it's only about me and not my celiakos job.
Icus sagt: Thanks for the precision.
Icus sagt: I don't have any problem with his having a personal faith ; it's just strange he swore on his faith.
Abycus Zekops sagt: N'ayez crainte, nous autres celiakos veillons à ce que les akenak et akenos agissent dans le respect de la neutralité du sharük.
Icus sagt: If his faith is gone, then his oath is broken. That's what i find strange.
Icus translates Abycus zekops : Don't be afraid, celiakos are here to be sure that akenak and akenos act in the respect of the sharük neutrality.
Daomei sagt: I think Akenak Icus errs and falls in a logical fallacy
Icus sagt: You are not allowed to speak, keep your though for you.
Daomei grins at Icus
Mjollren verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Abycus Zekops explains to Daomei: the spectators have to raise their hand and wait before to talk.
Daomei remembers that interjections were accepted, especially when nobody else had something to say
Abycus Zekops explains to Daomei: The respect of the rules are very important for us.
Abycus Zekops rend la parole à Icus.
Rollocks verbeugt sich vor Bardor.
Daomei will read the minutes

Icus sagt: Thanks celiakos.
Icus sagt: Shall we go on ?
Abycus Zekops sagt: ney.
Icus sagt: Fine.
Icus sagt: The akenak uniform, then
Icus sagt: Unfortunately, there is no akenak in charge of the project right now, so we need to wait the next assembly.
Icus sagt: Let's go on, then.
Icus sagt: The NH transporter
Icus sagt: We spoke about moving it from North Gate
Icus sagt: To the cerakos stable.
Icus sagt: Maybe we can vote it, so we can treat with the new horizon responsable to see what can be dne.
Bardor sagt: ney, let's vote
Rollocks sagt: NEY!!
Jarnys sagt: (maybe wait with votes untill lerya is back)
Icus sagt: (yes, will be better)
Icus sagt: While we are waiting for Lerya, do you have any information about the TENANT commission, celiakos ?
Abycus Zekops sursaute au cri de Rollocks et n'aime pas ça, d'habitude c'est lui qui fait sursauter les autres !
Rollocks wishes he understood French.
Abycus Zekops sagt: No, I have no information about it.
Bardor sagt: (translation : Abycus is startled by Rollocks shouting and doesn't like that, it's usually him startling others)
Icus sagt: (was looking how to translate this one :))
Icus sagt: akep.

Icus sagt: Since we are speaking of new horizon
Icus sagt: The next topic.
Icus sagt: As i mentionned it in the list, beeing allowed to create a new stop of NH in the scorched corridor for the Patriot would be great.
Rollocks nods at Icus.
Rollocks hopes his nodding does not startle the Senator.
Icus sagt: I don't know if it can be done by Nh ; as i mentionned, the escort could be done by imperial guards, securing the ourney.
Icus sagt: (journey*)
Bardor sagt: It's a long way on foot down there, would be kind of dangerous for the mounts.
Sharleen verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Icus sagt: That's the idea of an escort, to be sure there is no trouble on the way.
Icus sagt: celiakos, do you think a project like this might be done ?
Rollocks remembers the last time he saw a Tryker escort..
Bardor sagt: If it's can be done that's good, but I expect it would be expensive to hire regular guards for that
Lerya sagt: (OOC:Back)
Rollocks sagt: Good escorts always cost a lot.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Ce serait positif pour le sharük.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Mais je crains que nous ne devions patienter...
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : It would be good for the sharük, but i'm afraid we have to wait.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Ce projet a été étudié par la Compagnie the New Horizons
Abycus Zekops sagt: Elle ne souhaite pas pour le moment investir dans de nouveaux arrêts, même si elle n'exclue pas de le faire plus tard.
Icus translates Abycus Zekops : The New Horizons Compagny already studied this project.
Icus translates abycus : she doesn't want to invest in new stop for the moment, but she doesn't exclude to do it later.
Mjollren sighs.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Cependant, un arrêt unique et sur une très courte période serait négociable, par exemple pour accéder plus facilement à un lieu de rassemblement (HRP : pour un event joueur, par exemple).
Icus sagt: Maybe they can lend us some ultrafast-mektoub and we can organize everything by ourself ?
Icus translate Abycus Zekops : But, one only stop on a very short period of time might be done, for example for an easy access to a meeting point (OOC : for a player event, for example)

Feylin raise a hand
Abycus Zekops sagt: (The spectators can raise their hand if they'd like to add something.)
Abycus Zekops sagt: (Hehe!)
Icus sagt: Yes, Feylin ?
Feylin sagt: Excuse me to interrupt your discussions, but could you tell the list of remaining topics ?
Feylin sagt: As a stranger, I cannot have this knowledge
Icus sagt: This, and the help to renew the guard stock proposal.
Feylin sagt: Is that all ?
Lerya sagt: And the project of Thols and I.
Lerya sagt: Related to NH
Mjollren mutters under his breath: And not a word about the kitin mounds in Dyron..
Icus sagt: And the Lerya's idea about akenak permanence.
Feylin sagt: Are you but aware fo the recent kitin activity ?
Icus sagt: Yes, but nobody though is was enough to be added to the topic list.
Feylin sagt: Well ....
Feylin sits down
Icus sagt: So, Nh doesn't want to add new stop for the moment.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Kitin activity? Again?
Icus sagt: It never really stopped, so i don't think we can say "again"
Abycus Zekops sagt: I was a little ill and wanted not to be disturb, then I went here directly for the assembly. What happens with kitins? Some new attacks on capitals?
Bardor sagt: Maybe we can vote about nh placement now that leyra is back, and then go on Kitin topic if one wishes it
Abycus Zekops sagt: Well, maye a good idea to add this topic to the end of the assembmly...
Abycus Zekops rend la parole à Icus.
Icus sagt: Good idea, akenak Bardor.

Icus sagt: We are hearing to you, Lerya.
Lerya sagt: Akep, akenak Icus.
Lerya sagt: I will try to be short.
Lerya sagt: In the last assembly, where I recived this project, we talked about moving the NH from North Gate.
Lerya sagt: I have some information to share with you before we vote.
Lerya sagt: I traveled few weeks ago to Dyron and Thesos to know how much meters are between the TP and the NH (The problem, was that Fyros Patriots tell us that Kami and Kara TP are so far at Pyr from the NH)
And I check that later at Pyr
Lerya sagt: Those are the results:
Rollocks sagt: how is having the kami tp and kara tp far from NH a problem?
Rollocks sagt: I think it is a benifit
Lerya sagt: At Thesos, the Kami TP is at 150 meters from the NH and the Kara one at 460. At Dyron the Kami at 80 and the Kara 600. Pyr, Kami 300 and Kara 660.
Rollocks wonders why we are not considering moving the NH further away in Thesos and Dyron
Lerya sagt: So. As you can see, Kami TP are allways near the NH. And, even there are 150m at Thesos, the way to the NH is clear, I mean, no streets in the way.
Lerya sagt: To close now, I will finish with this
Lerya sagt: I have couple ideas in mind. We must think in our Patriots. We are talking about Pyr, our capital; and Sharük. So, Why we don´t move the NH to Cerakos Gate? Near the Imperial Merchant and the Corporal, The transporter will be with the Sharük Officers.
Lerya sagt: But
Lerya sagt: Not all the Patriots are Kami Followers. So we must find a equilibrium, here in our Capytal, and make the things easy for those Patriots that may use the Karavan (neutral) TP. How?, we can move the NH outside Pyr. At the wall, between South and North
Jarnys looks a bit irritated by the suggestion
Lerya sagt: Stable. That way, both Kami, Karavan and Patriots must go outside Pyr to make deals with the transporter
Icus sagt: I personally like this idea.
Lerya sagt: That is all we have Thols and I in the project. We need to decide now.

Jarnys raises his hand
Icus sagt: Yes, Patriot Jarnys ?
Jarnys sagt: If you say between soth and east stables...
Jarnys sagt: how do you want to protect the mektoubs from the weather there?
Jarnys sagt: build a 4th stable or a shelter?
Icus sagt: The NH at FH, Zora (before the move) and Yrkanis aren't near the stable, only a little shelter.
Icus sagt: And even if the weather is tough in the desert, so are our mektoubs.
Jarnys sagt: I think it would be best to use an existing stable and decide which one depending on the number of homins using that one
Lerya sagt: Sorry, the second place isn´t the wall between South to North, nosense. Place is the wall between South Gate and Ceragos Gate; outside Pyr.

Feylin raise a hand
Icus sagt: Yes, awakened Feylin ?
Lerya sagt: So the best place must be Cerakos Gate. In the stable or inside Pyr.
Feylin sagt: If i may, the purpose of the transporter is to allow travels from town to town
Feylin sagt: the way patriots, or any user, has to go to the town in the first place should not really be a matter
Jarnys nods at Faylin's comment
Lerya sagt: True.
Fyranth nods in agreement
Lerya sagt: But when they asked us if we can do somethint to change the NH to a better place, it was because the long way you have to walk if you come walking or usin any of the Altars.

Fyranth raises her hand with hesitation
Icus waves to the Fyros, allowing her to speak.
Lerya sagt: Long way you have to walk to reach the NH of course
Fyranth stands
Fyranth sagt: If I may, everytime I've used the transporter, I've found it far from I where I was
Fyranth sagt: It's far from the corporal, far from the forge, far from the teleporters, both of them
Fyranth sagt: It even seems far from the Academy... Perhaps because of all the turns in the streets
Fyranth sagt: So, making it close to "somewhere" would be... well...
Fyranth searches her word
Feylin raise a hand
Fyranth sagt: Well. At least, it would be near something. Not far from everything
Fyranth sits down
Lerya sagt: Akep Fyranth. That was exactly other told us in the past. And the reason for adding that topic to our tasks.

Icus waves to Feylin.
Feylin sagt: Pyr is a large town indeed, the bigest I know
Feylin sagt: These problems are because of this, and maybe moving the transporter is not the solution
Feylin smiles : i won't suggest to shrink the city
Feylin sagt: But maybe can you build a Pyr transportation company, to go in some strategic places, and to the transporter
Jarnys imagines large carts with homins beeing drawn through the narrow alleys in Pyr
Mjollren sagt: as long as they offer an alternative for faction points to NH..
Icus sagt: We could though get a stop at each stable
Icus sagt: I don't think this is that difficult for the NH company to do.

Lerya sagt: Each stable? We have probems to make new ones far from here;will they make us new spots in each stable?
Fyranth wonders if it will make enough profit for NH to invest
Feylin leave the assembly for a few moments
Icus sagt: I don't know, but i think it can be done.
Lerya sagt: Will we ask them first before to take a decition?
Icus sagt: Let's just send a letter
Abycus Zekops sagt: So no vote today?
Icus sagt: Well we're not sure about what can be done
Icus sagt: Though we can vote on creating 2 new stop, if it can be done
Icus sagt: If it can't ... Well, we'll see

Jarnys raises his hand
Icus sagt: yes ?
Lerya sagt: I will send the letter and gather that information. Maybe we can talk about this other day if the topic I added is finally voted yes
Jarnys sagt: you could suggest 2 new stops for one cycle and they leave the most popukar afterwards if it costs too much
Jarnys seats himself again
Lerya sagt: I think the topic is over by now.
Icus sagt: Let's vote, then
Icus sagt: akenos, do you agree on this proposal ?
Bardor sagt: Ney
Lerya sagt: Ney.
Icus sagt: ney.
Icus sagt: akenak Lerya will contact the Transporter, then.
Abycus Zekops fronce les sourcils: si vous voulez mon avis...deux arrêts proches l'un de l'autre... Un Fyros ne sachant plus parcourir quelques centaines de mètres sans l'aide d'un transporteur ? Ça serait le début de notre fin! Mais ce n'est que mon avis bien sûr.
Feylin comes back and try to catch the current topic
Icus translates Abycus : In my opinion, two close stop ... A fyros who isn't able to walk a few hundred meters without a transporter ? It will be the begin of the end.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Peut-être avez-vous raison et que je ne sais pas évoluer avec mon temps... Mais je reste fier de contourner comme de traverser notre capitale sans l'aide de quiconque.
Icus translates Abycus : MAybe you're right and i can't evole ... But i'm still proud to walk inside or outside our capital without any help.
Icus sagt: Having the 3 stop at the same time will help us see which one is the more used and perhaps close some of them, as Jarnys proposed.
Icus sagt: But well, let's see what it's gonna be.
Abycus Zekops lisse sa robe.

Icus sagt: Let's go on, then.
Icus sagt: As i suggested, the Patriot may help to renew the guard stock.
Icus sagt: There is plenty of digger and crafter who can help, i'm sure the sharük can make a use of it.
Icus sagt: celiakos, is there a possibilité of getting a member of the Burned Face at the next assembly ?
Icus sagt: They are the most aware about this subject, i believe.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Yes, it should be possible.
Icus sagt: akenak, do you want to add something ?
Bardor sagt: dey, I have nothing to add
Lerya sagt: I want to ask, not add. What do you mean by renew the guard stock?
Abycus Zekops sagt: On this point, not for the moment.
Icus sagt: Help the guard to renew their stock by giving weapon, armor, jewels and various mats
Lerya sagt: Akep akenak Icus.

Feylin raise a hand
Icus sagt: Yes ?
Feylin sagt: About this subject, I am glad to tell you that the Theocracy should soon make the announcement of the returning convoy of weapons
Icus seems happy.
Icus sagt: Do you have a date ?
Feylin sagt: Probably the 25th Frutor
Feylin sagt: (thursday 3 october)
Icus sagt: Thanks.
Icus sagt: (can we put it in the event calendar ?)
Feylin sagt: My pleasure (will be done tomorrow, after an announcment post on the forum)
Abycus Zekops sagt: (Yes, 19:00 GMT / 21:00 CET?)
Lerya sagt: Akep Feylin.

Icus sagt: Last point, then
Icus sagt: The Kitins.
Lerya sagt: Remember that we have to speak about the topic I added.
Icus sagt: Yes too
Icus sagt: Can you present it, then ?
Lerya sagt: But, well, the problem is that we must be all the Akenak here. Anyways, I will explain it in short.
Lerya sagt: Once the assembly ends Akenak don´t meet again until the next National Assembly. So the Akenak that aren´t present have problems, not allways, to know what topics were discussed or voted etc in the last one
Lerya sagt: Today can be an example.
Lerya sagt: That as the first point.
Lerya sagt: The second
Lerya sagt: As Pyr Akenos, I have noticed that there isn´t a place for the Akenos at Pyr. Same at Thesos and Dyron. I mean. We have the Corporals, Imperial Merchant, we have the Sage, Sergeants, Merchants, Messengers, Guards... But there isn´t a place for the Akenos.
Lerya sagt: If a Patriot wants to ask us something must wait till the Local Assemblys, and maybe can´t go. And even if they send us an Izam, talking with us is the best way we can help them or guide them.
Lerya sagt: They can talk with other officers, but they can´t look for us in the cities.
Lerya sagt: This is what I propose:
Lerya sagt: Make Akenos available at Pyr, Thesos and Dyron. Maybe 3 or 4 days during the week. And also the Akenak should think on a day out of the assemblys to talk about how the projects are going, or to talk how we will take care of this or that topic.
Icus sagt: Personnaly, i like the idea.
Lerya sagt: That´s all.
Icus sagt: It's doing some permanence to make it easier for people to meet akenak
Mjollren sagt: any clues where the actual observation camps will be?
Rasaya sagt: at the old places
Icus sagt: akenak Bardor ?
Bardor sagt: This seems a good idea, but 3 or 4 times a week seems a bit constraining
Lerya sagt: I said 3 or 4, but days and hours must be voted of course.
Icus sagt: Yeah, 3 or 4 might be a little too much
Icus sagt: Maybe 2 might be better
Lerya sagt: Ney, much better.
Icus sagt: We could say every (3 day IRL so this isn't always the same day in the week)
Icus sagt: Or once during the week (so in the evening) and one during the week-end, in the afternoon
Icus sagt: (so people who aren't in GMT can still attend one of it)
Lerya sagt: That is the better yes. Good idea.
Lerya sagt: Well, place to stand must be chosen by each Akenos.

Lerya sagt: Will we vote now for this, or wait till other Akenak are present?
Icus sagt: We can't always wait for other akenak
Icus sagt: I think we can vote it.
Lerya sagt: Ok. And what about the other part of my proposal? Akenak meeting out the assembly?
Icus sagt: I agree too, but it's more circumstancial
Icus sagt: I think we could make some of them if we need to, but it's easier for us to communicate by izam.
Lerya sagt: I see. So lets vote
Lerya sagt: The Akenak available during the week at the cities I mean.
cus raises his hand.
Bardor sagt: I agree to the proposition
Lerya raises her hand.
Icus sagt: I suggest (wednesday 9PM and saturday 4PM Paris hour)
Bardor sagt: Fine for me
Lerya sagt: Agree (Same time for me). And I think if we can´t be on time or can´t be present some day, we can allways warn our cities patriots. (Forum for example.)
Icus sagt: Fine. I'll do a little annoucement (on the forum)

Icus sagt: To finish, the kitin mound
Icus sagt: They appeared on the whole bark
Icus sagt: In the desert, there is one south of Dyron and one south of Thesos ;
Icus sagt: The kitins near i doesn't seems to be agressive
Icus sagt: As long as you don't disturb them.
Icus sagt: No exterminator has been spotted for now
Icus sagt: Seems they are preparing for something, more like an immediate invasion
Lerya sagt: No mounds near Pyr?
Icus sagt: Not near pyr nor any capital.
Icus sagt: There is aranger meeting soon, they will probbly have more informations
Lerya sagt: I will try to be there.
Icus sagt: Anything else ?
Bardor sagt: dey
Lerya sagt: I saw a mound near Farely Farm few days ago (Yesterday RL), and another one full of kitins near Dainty Isle workshop. Not near Fairhaven, but so close.
Lerya sagt: Even if Rangers meetings will be soon. Will Pyr, Thesos or Dyron resist the attack?
Icus sagt: I think there is no problem with that, both patriot and the guard are able to defend the city.
Lerya sagt: True. We have the strongest homins here. Hope Kitins don´t bring us something new, or stronger than other times.
Abycus Zekops nods.
Icus sagt: We can close this assembly, then.
Lerya sagt: Yes.
Abycus Zekops sagt: So the assembly is close!
Bardor sagt: Ney
Abycus Zekops sagt: Thanks to all of you!
Abycus Zekops sagt: oren fyraï.
Bardor sagt: oren fyrai
Lerya sagt: Oren fyraï celiakos Abycus
Icus sagt: oren fyraï.
Jarnys stands up slowly
Jarnys sagt: Oren fyraï


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