Prime Roots Foraging Survey

Since I am just starting to learn all about PR and digging down there and starting my flag marking, i can live with any of the choices, but i find number #2 interesting. For example, if you get good at moving the mats, why not do it on a regular basis, say every 3 or 4 months? Have an evolving Atys! It will help level the playing field for those looking for certain sup mats. Actually, I dont know why you changed locations in the first place unless it was for this reason.
I know it would be a hassel for those who have everything flagged, (sorry, don't know how to solve that).
At any rate, i agree with Bitttymacod in that any bug should be the first priority to be fixed,
One question: If you go with #1, can we get a general idea how long it would take to fix the problem?
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Last visit Thursday, 23 January 23:25:27 UTC

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