Cash shop - pros and contras

Let's put the question stright. If there were only two options left: Ryzom is dead, or Ryzom is alive, but with cash shop being implemented, what would you choose?

As I understand it, basically there are three kinds of cash shops around.

Pay to win - you pay for some exclusive, frequently imbalanced items, that you can't acquire in game by any means. And those items usually designed to give you some sort of advantage over other players.

Pay to save time - you pay for items that already exist in game and can be acquired by in-game methods. In this case you simply choose what to invest into getting them, whether it's your time or your money. Call me a heretic, but when it comes to Ryzom, i'd rather purchase some supremes or boss mats from the cash shop. Because I see camping supreme spots for many hours or daily runs to the boss spawns as a waste of my time, not to mention it being terribly boring.

Pay to look different - that's obvious enough, all sorts of decorative stuff, whatever is up to your fancy.

I avoid the games with first kind of cash shop (pay to win), but i'm ok with other two schemes. If that could allow the owners make some quick cash and use it for supporting game - sure, why not?
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