A New Beginning 2.0

Awesome, I'll be coming back regardless! So sweet to see names posting around here that offer some form of cognitive recognition from many years ago. Memories start flowing back from my time in this most awesome of virtual universes (which, imho, has yet to be surpassed).

Although I'm in totally favor for a full wipe from a gameplay perspective, it obviously isn't the right path judgning by peoples reactions in general. The solution posted here seems like a good compensation, and will have me resubbing even though I'll primarily play on the "reckless" toon.

It is vital to understand that experiences had in virtual/alternate/etc realities are no less "real" than experiences had in the physical world. Even if a massive wipe aka genocide would go down, all the experiences and relations you have amassed in your time playing will not be deleted.
This is the main attraction of this game; the fact that the community is more central to the Ryzom experience than the actual games enviroment itself. And that, at least for me, is what makes this game so fucking awesome.

P.S. Holler to THE SOUL and the rest of y'all Aris vets! =D
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Last visit Monday, 3 June 02:18:49 UTC

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