A New Beginning 2.0

Jarnys (Leanon)
basic = the basic necessities and you retain your look + name (subscribed P2P and F2P event participants - in short all ACTIVE accounts)
silver = better items for winners of events - they really won
premium = best items for P2P loosing their skills (retain your skills or get some uber awesome unique items - you decide)

Hi mate, thanks for the reply, I know what the items are, but, maybe I should have phrased my question better.

As regards premium packs, they are given to "reckless" characters that are "reset". Thats the way I read it, maybe I read it wrong, but I dont think so, whats the point of giving a reset character that kind of gear, by the time they can wear it there will be better crafted stuff.

They are mugging the high level players and giving them rubbish gear. Each level 250 and most lower levels would have at least .... 3 armours (mage, dig and melee, same for jewels/weapons to some degree).

None of the packs from what I can see, are level appropriate for level 250 players.

If the devs can design a premium pack with 3 different armours, why could they not make them all level appropriate and include appropriate weapons, why these three tiers why not just one simple level appropriate tier and just make different "event" prizes like sets of jewels or weapons.

Maybe have three package tiers Lv 100, 200 and 250 for example and give each character a lv appropriate package.

On a more positive note, I am glad to see you guys get to keep your characters, but it begs the questions :

1. Why did they not test the feasibility of this before sending such a scare-mongering email to everybody.
2. How come they were able to test it in 2 days when everybody complained. But didnt bother (or did they) prior to the email.
3. Were they just kite flying with that email, loaded with something drastic like all characters and gear wiped, to make just an all gear wipe more palatable to people just grateful to keep their names and characters.

I dunno, but it seems like a mugging to me.


The Operative: Do you know what your sin is Mal?
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Ah Hell... I'm a fan of all seven. But right now... I'm gonna have to go with wrath.
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