A New Beginning 2.0

With a few reservations, specifically the chance for stratifiction due to an xp incentive (not to mention initial strategies and their motivations), one can say that most of the major demands for P2P have been met. Though in terms of population, F2P players still remain without an option to retain lvls. Since population is the reason we are merging in the first place, the new server may be suprisingly sparse without us.

Assuming it isn't lame, I suppose we should treat the outpost battle as the final one leading to our withdrawal to Silan; however, one had hoped for a more server-wide wave of kitins, with less dev/csr/gm involvement.

Hadrisian, Zehssad, HadrianKross

P.S. Since ML was always paid content, perhaps returning Silan back to its F2P roots might not be a bad idea also? Level retention++



But who knows, as I'm not going to try to predict the future, a soul may get what it desires afterall...

"The future is not what it once was,
The future is not what I've become."
Arcade Fire
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