A New Beginning 2.0

If we sign up to be on reckless list are we then put on the merged server at a massive disadvantage against others who keep their lvls or will a server be set aside for those who go reckless and those who do not wish to lose anything. their is alot of people who wanted to try this game with reset and would go on reckless list and i have spoke to old players who wanted restart are all these players going to be ignored as they are people who would try the game and most likely subscribe to ryzom and the old players who wanted to come back for restart for something fun. I have not subscribed yet if it is restart some players onto server with players who boosted massively with mats I wont be staying and wont be subbing again and i know alot who wont sub again either.

hmmm its never good ey :/
there will be one server only
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