
Questions -- DEV please answer

THIS WAS POSTED BY CSR SONTJE ON LEANON (badly translated by me):

I now have a clear statement regarding the packages are also available for the event.

These are the basic package:

* Name Backup
* Appearance backup
* Axt 1M Q1 (Q25 stats)
* Armor Q1 (stats Q25)
* Amps Q100 (Q100 stats)
* 1 * 999 genetic mats Q100
* 10 000 Dapper

and the winning package (for the winners of the events)

* Name Backup
* Appearance backup
* Axt 1M Q1 (Q50 stats)
* Armor Q1 (stats Q50)
* Amps Q200 (Q200 stats)
* 5 * 999 genetic mats Q200
* 1 000 000 Dapper

All the time the merge is (ie 09/22/2012) paid accounts (thus have an active subscription) will AUTOMATICALLY get the base package. The trial accounts can purchase the basic package by participating in the events. All of course the chance of winning the packets have to get.

I hope this helps everyone a bit further. :)

Have a nice Sunday

=> So I would just ignore the message under your profile info if account is subbed (both my accounts say I don't have one either on all 10chars)


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