A New Beginning

Many are indeed coming back... but only with a "wait and see" attitude (while watching the ticker on their Subs run out).

*visions of PR becoming an absolute competitive nightmare*
*visions of Dyron, Fount, Void, etc. blowing up every 2 hours when KT nosedives, due to ovecrowding*
*visions of cultural difficulties... languages aside, just playstyles, really*
*visions of goldfarmers invading Atys* (Dappers for sale! Go to now!)
*visions of grindkings and powermongers and Alt-squadrons playing 24/7 to achieve domination before their peers can achieve squat*

Poor casual players, I say. They will feel the pinch.

You know the ol' sayin', only takes 1 bad apple to spoil the whole barrel.

*visions of way more than 1 bad apple*

But Doom and Gloom aside, I'll be back. Yes, to see what the "new" game brings, but moreso, for what I bring to the game. :)

One thing nobody can take away... and that's me spirit. :)


Doom and gloom, even at the height of player activity none of these were huge problems and some are actually intended parts of the game.

PR is SUPPOSED to be competitive, that's why it's all a PvP zone.
Kami Tolerance is SUPPOSED to be something that diggers have to consider, that's why it's there.

Language will only be a problem if we make it that way.

Ok...enough from me. I can feel the top getting ready to come off.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

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