A New Beginning

We know that you have spent a lot of time on your current characters. It is you that has helped keep this game running as long as it has. You are an unbelievable community that other MMO games and players envy. We would not have made ​​this decision if there was an alternative, and we realise that many of you will be dissapointed. We ask for your support to make this transition as painless as possible.

This is maximum insult to loyal Players in one Paragraph.
What a Joke! All to maximise their profits at the expense of all our hard work, I Loved Ryzom subbed 2 accs, I will remove Ryzom without any reservation out of hate if they wipe and i will never return. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT WIPE you may not be able to manage the game but please dont punnish us too, leave our chars for someone that cares and understands the time it has taken people to get where they are.... Bye Bye Folks o/
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Last visit Donnerstag 9 Mai 07:08:13 UTC

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