Open crafting interfaces without equipping a tool

Sometimes I would find it useful to be able to open the crafting interfaces when I don't have a tool in my inventory. For example, if I'm in EI ready to dig weapon mats, but I can't remember what proportions I need shells, cloth, bark, and nodes in. Or perhaps I'm at the crafting trainer in FH and want to know what Fyros weapon crafting plans I have so I don't get those in Tryker yet.

Until if and when this gets added, there are off-line tools that have been created just for this purpose. There's none for jools, cause the proportion is 1:1 qnd if ya have 650 available bulk say between you an dpacker, then just dig 650 amber and 650 seed.

For everything else there's the Mats Calculators on bunnynet. I play in windowed mode @ 1920 x 1080 on a 1920 x 1200 screen. That 120 pixel band lets me access the mats calculator in one click and not only tells me the proportion of each mat that I need for BQ/MQ/HQ but also exactly how many of each I need to dig.


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