
Race Fame Basics

Starting Fame

Fyros: Fyros 20 / Zorai 10 / Tryker -10 / Matis -20
Zora: Fyros 10 / Zorai 20 / Tryker -20 / Matis -10
Tryker: Fyros -10 / Zorai -20 / Tryker 20 / Matis 10
Matis: Fyros -20 / Zorai -10 / Tryker 10 / Matis 20

Maximum Fame

You can have a total of 200 Fame Points. As a non-aligned toon you can have:

50 Fyros Fame
50 Jungle Fame
50 Matis Fame
50 Tryker Fame

Fyros Citizen can have:
100 Fyros Fame
75 Jungle Fame
0 Matis Fame
25 Tryker Fame

Zorai Citizen can have:
75 Fyros Fame
100 Jungle Fame
25 Matis Fame
0 Tryker Fame

Tryker Citizen can have:
25 Fyros Fame
0 Jungle Fame
75 Matis Fame
100 Tryker Fame

Matis Citizen can have:
0 Fyros Fame
25 Jungle Fame
100 Matis Fame
75 Tryker Fame

EDIT (2019)

As a result of the may 2019 patch, chasing fame of all kinds as very different. Frm what I have observed so far:

- Deliver / Explore / Target (Green) missions give huge fame / little dappers.
- Craft (Blue) missions pay extremely well in dappers but cheap on fame
- Forage / Provide (Purple) missions pay well  both in dappers and in fame.
- Kill / Loot (Oeangey Red) missions are kinda cheap in both respects*.

* Missions that come from "the military" pay pretty good still.

Don't limit yaself to just nation NPCs if dapper is your goal. Tribes seem to be paying just as well

EDIT (2020)

With the introduction of Daily Missions and Mission Mats Prospecting, the relative value in fame / dapper has changed. Post that Patch:

a) Green Missions - (Deliver, Target. Go To) give the most fame ... pretty much a guaranteed +3 for each mission, at least at upper levels, from -60 to +60 or so. Dapper reward is not that exciting.

b) Purple Missions - (Harvest) give a nice balance of fame and dapper (~ 300k at 250 level).

c) Blue Missions - (Craft) give the most dapper ... as much as 4 million from a single NPC.   Weak on the fame tho.

d)  Red Missions - (Kill, Loot) are somewhat inconsidetent but kind low by comparison to other choices.  A small % are not doable beause the ragets do not exist.

However, since yuu can "stack" the red bandit missions in the region guides  linked to in the next post will be very useful in that you can take 3 or 4 missions kill a bandit from say the "Dirt Laundry Stealers" Tribe, go there onece and take out 4 getting credit for 4 missions.


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