5th playable race: Mechro

Good Morrow :)
first of all thank you for this great game; it is so innovative and true joy to play this wonderful MMO. Together with Somkit & Aseeker, we came with the following idea:

A very old game I used to play was Dune 2 and what was so great about it, was there were 3 sides in this game. Blizzard later stole this Westwood idea and used it in Starcraft. What I would like to propose is not 3, but 5 sides, where each side has 2 allies and 2 enemies (and I stole this idea from the card game Magic, The Gathering ;P).

For this to happen, we need a 5th playable race.
Almost every sci-fi has a robot in it, except Ryzom, so we suggest some type of cyborg race, which have sprung into exsistance from Karavan/Matis/Tryker ingenuity; where technology gets more interwoven with their living tissue and the Mechro race is born.

Every race has its own skill speciality; Fyros -> Fight, Matis -> Craft, Tryker -> Forage, Zoraï -> Magic. Therefore we propose Mechros to be skilled in "Summoning".

Summon Pets:
When a mob
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