Stand Together!

[In the solitude of his sen-hay, Gorran takes pen and parchment and begins to write. Loyal messengers wait outside, ready to race to the capitals of the Four Nations to deliver his letters.]

Homins of the Four Nations!

I have spoken with many of you over the past few days regarding the Marauders and I am at once amazed and dismayed by the responses I received. Some call for making concessions to them to extirpate some imagined guilt. Others refuse to take any action if it means that Kami Disciples and Karavan Followers will be standing shoulder to shoulder. Lastly, there are those who are truly brave homins willing to band together against any threat to the Four Nations.

Those who call for concessions clearly believe the half-truths told by Melkiar and now by his daughter, Akilia. Like the Marauders themselves, these homins claim that we owe the Marauders some penance for the imagined misdeeds of our forefathers. The truth of the matter is that the ancestors of the Marauders were *not* abandoned, they did not heed or did not receive the call to leave the Old Lands. Our forefathers saved as many lives and as much heritage as they possibly could. Had they not done this, then there would be no Zora, no Pyr. There would be no Yrkanis nor Fairhaven. Were these acts, acts that saved so many lives and preserved so much knowledge; I ask you, were these acts crimes that must be repented? No! The only crimes are those that have been committed by the Marauders themselves who come as invaders and usurpers bent on destroying the very Nations we hold dear!

To those who refuse to fight side by side, Kami and Karavan. Would you refuse such a call if the Kitin or the Infected were involved? The Marauders are as much a threat to civilization as the Kitin and Goo. Like the Kitin they attack the Nations directly. Like the Goo, they infect and corrupt from inside. See them for what they are, put aside your differences and fight for your families, your homes, your lives!

Lastly, you brave homins who stand together against any threat to homins and the Nations. RISE UP! Heed the call again and again, without fail, to stand against all that seek to destroy what we and those before us have worked to build up.

I call on all homins to join me and other like hearted homins in standing against Akilia and her ilk.

I await your reply.

In Haste,

Gorran Zhuangi, Zoraï Awakened
Shizu, Guardians of Zora

((Contact me to coordinate our efforts, in game mail: Gorran(Arispotle) or /tell))


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

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