
[FIXED] font or ingame forums not in utf-8 codepage?

Sywindt (Arispotle)
Do others have this same problem? Do you see the text show up when you type it in? Did you try both in-game and out? Is there an error when you press submit?
how many questions... =) i don's ask others, will ask tomorrow... i see text when i type it and send, but dont see that text after refresh page and later... i trying in-game only, just for test work ingame forums... no errors after "submit", just blank "post" like #3 and #6 here... or outgame forums showing posts #3 and #6 as normal?.. not like empty?..

ps: if i press "edit post" #3 or #6, its seems like empty post


proud member of Night Hawks / leader of kitins patrol
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Zeige Thema
Last visit Sonntag 5 Mai 00:54:44 UTC

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