Character creation - Nothing but green box

AUR is the Arch User Repository, it's the one where all the user-contributed packages go (Not the 'official' repository) and is where the Ryzom client is downloaded from.

However, after trying that and it failing, I completely removed all traces of the AUR-gotten client, and instead went for the Sourceforge one, starting from scratch, so can't really compare the two!

The only difference between the AUR and SF downloads (Apart from maybe one's an earlier/later version?) Is that one is downloaded to your home folder and the other one, presumably, goes in /usr/bin.

I tried running the in a terminal hoping for error messages, and the only one that popped up was one about not connecting to Pulseaudio (Which I fixed) And then no error messages at all on the character creation greenscreen.
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Last visit Friday, 7 June 12:47:02 UTC

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