Resizeable Action, hp, ect bars

Action bar would be a lot of work. Icons are images and to recode everything to scalable type of graphics ... /o\ Same goes for menu bar. Allowing action bar to be vertical shouldn't be more than an hours work, secondary bar already is. Your character's bars are images too but that could be redone into 2D drawing fairly easy I think. Radar at first looks trivial but the problem comes from scaling mob dots. You can't draw a 2.5 pixels dot so you'd need anti-aliasing and that gets bit complicated specially when dots overlap. Easiest would be team list which is also the one that annoys me most.
One "fix" for action bar would allowing us to select the icon manually for better differentiation as well as having an option to make it look like default menu bar (icon + text) with scalable font.
For instance

all done using existing icons with addition of selectable icon backgrounds, which also already exist and more could be added easily. Such bar could be horizontally resizeable to allow longer text/bigger font. It could also use alternative sorting (#, shift-#, etc) or even had # and shift-# columns side by side. In first two cases you'd end up with about 110x520 pixels. As this is your main "tool" I don't see half the height of average screen as a problem. Side-by-side version would do fine on wide screens too.
Configuration can be stored locally so server-side nothing needs to be changed.
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Last visit Sunday, 5 May 04:02:26 UTC

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