Cat Production.

In almost all MMO's there is something that is won or lost by PvP and whatever it is, be it a city, stronghold, outpost or mine that grants the victors a benefit making that benefit available to the masses without having to take part in the PvP makes that entity almost worthless.

Boosting personal production beyond a stack or two a day would belittle the outposts and the efforts guilds take to ensure their security, the time and gear spent defending them is huge including damage to PvP quality HA/Jewels and the amount of resources spent fueling Ranged fighters.

The Rareness of these items both cats & mats makes them more special increasing them deminishes all of them.

Their is nothing wrong with levelling without cats, folks should focus on the journey and worry less about the destination, levels will come in time and Ryzom has proven notouriously hard to kill she'll be here.
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Last visit viernes 14 junio 08:04:36 UTC

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