
I want a good OP Battle soon.

This thread was supposed to be in relation to the FUN PvP game that was NOT about the rewards. As TPM has recently shown we will be wanting an OP and will continue to attack KAMI's OP's to achieve this.  When this is done it will NOT be done under the prefix of a Friendly battle and will be declared as A HOSTILE ATTACK FOR THE OP prior to the battle trying to generate as much Karavan support as we can get.

I do think things here have been confused between the two unfortunately.  The confusion through lack of communication methods lead to the intended Friendly Battle being officially cancelled and remained un-attacked during the battle phase as the intention of the decalration was obviously not passed on well enough prior to making a decision to declare.

I thank those that have already answered and ask the GM's to close the thread please.
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Last visit Monday, 3 June 13:37:11 UTC

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