New patch 1.13

This is a feature that was commonly asked for... it is not a new thing to gaming and it is in many other games. This is the first time I have ever seen someone claim it to be a privacy issue due to the possibility of someone being stalked.

And the reason I didnt bow out of the conversation after stating that I dont believe it really is a serious issue is because somebody used my differing opinion to theirs as a reason to delete their character. An overly dramatic reaction but then again overly dramatic seems to be the trend here...

I would also like to point out that even if its true, how common is it exactly for someone to be stalked in ryzom by a person who is a threat to them in real life? Is it really on the devs to account for such a rare and unlikely occurance when implementing commonly requested features? And if we do expect that where is the line drawn? Im sure there are people out there with severe epilepsy who would react to effects even on minimum settings. Do we ask for them to be removed?


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Last visit Mittwoch 12 Juni 06:48:15 UTC

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