Open crafting interfaces without equipping a tool

Sometimes I would find it useful to be able to open the crafting interfaces when I don't have a tool in my inventory. For example, if I'm in EI ready to dig weapon mats, but I can't remember what proportions I need shells, cloth, bark, and nodes in. Or perhaps I'm at the crafting trainer in FH and want to know what Fyros weapon crafting plans I have so I don't get those in Tryker yet.

I know there are alternate sources for this information. The webig recipes link will show me the proportion of mats I need, but I have to create a recipe to look at that and it takes three clicks plus loading time to delete it. And if I want to see a medium or high quality plan, I have to find it on the drop down list to the right, then click update to show it. Too, I have to remember the names for 1h sword vs. 2h sword where in the crafting interface, I don't need to.

I can see what plans I have by scrolling through the list on the right in actions, but those are spread out all over, interspaced with things that don't relate to what I'm looking for.

In short, the alternate sources available in-game are inconvenient. If the player was able to open the crafting interface, select plans, even add mats without a crafting tool, I believe this would be much better. Perhaps the "Create" (or whatever. I can't see because I don't have a tool on me.) button would be grayed out unless the correct tool is equipped. If this is implemented, I'd hope the player would also be able to equip a crafting tool while the interface is open so there wouldn't be the inconvenience of opening the interface, choosing a plan, adding mats, then realizing you forgot to equip the tool, so having to cancel, equip the tool, and start over again.
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Last visit Thursday, 23 May 18:53:24 UTC

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