Grand Fall Contest: Win fabulous prizes!


Fall has arrived, and to take your mind off the coming cold and wet days, the Ryzom team is pleased to invite you to participate in the first Grand Fall Contest! Come and try your luck from 2 to 30 November, 2011 and win one of the great prizes.

  • 1st prize: choose between an original drawing done in India ink, used in game design, OR a NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 480 graphics card.
  • 2nd prize: an original drawing done in India ink, used in the game design, OR a lifetime subscription to Ryzom.
  • 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th prizes: a 3-month Ryzom subscription.

Everybody gets an account-specific, unique Ryzom link, from webig.

You should distribute this link by all legal means (forums, chats, social networks ...) by associating it with an item, a signature, banner, etc... Spam and the use of automatic robots are banned, and cheaters will be excluded from the competition.

The winner will be the one who, at the end of the contest, has brought the most new players Ryzom (paid or not) via their unique link.

Victory is within reach! Get ready now, the launch date of the contest approaches.

The Ryzom team wishes you good luck, and may the best win!

We remind you that Ryzom is playable for free (Free to Play) and can be downloaded free for Windows, Mac and Linux.Celebrate fall in Ryzom!

Ryzom Team


Yumeroh | Senior Gamemaster | Community Manager | Senior Tester Manager
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