OOC: The Zorai pictograms - research and translation

Thanks! Yes, I've seen that one in the Ryzom-Wiki already :) The larger picture looks even better in this forum. I will remember to specially mention your (nick-)name at the time I'll upload the rest of the pictures that I'm working on... The graphics you're making are great! I wish I could get my German labelled versions to look that beautiful *sighs*. But I believe that interested players will surely also take a look at the Wiki and your article :)

I remember some of the members of "Zoraïs Wachen" from the old times; but it must have been months since I've met one of them in person. Well, on the other hand they might still be around - since most of the players on Leanon are casual players at an advanced age, and some are even playing extremely casual.


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