Making a new world outside of Atys

Many different ideas here, so:

-1 to raising level cap. There's no point. With over 60 skills to master and 8 different occupations (and more planned for the future), plus all the rite missions and stuff, there's already plenty to do in the game. Only a handful of homins (2 or 3 maybe?) actually mastered all skills on this server, so why bother raising the cap? Otherwise it's just gonna be like WoW. Each new expansion raises the cap, people rush to the end levels, then it's just mind numbing raids for the uber gear.

+1 to more lands to explore and new content. Which, quite honestly, this is exactly what the devs have been doing already, albeit at a slower pace if compared to the mainstream blockbuster MMOs. Wanna go to the old lands and fight the kitins in their home turf? Well that's exactly what the Kitin Lair is =P
Kitin Lair is pretty cool and has a lot of potential, it just needs to be finished and fleshed out. Same for occupations. There was an outcry for new content a while ago, folks felt it was better for devs to add new content instead of raising the level cap and that's exactly what they did releasing the occupations. More stuff to do without needing to raise the level cap. I actually had a lot of fun doing larvester and scrollmaker occs. And can't wait for that barber/stylist one to be released. More options for social RP.

Adding some new stanzas wouldn't hurt either. Maybe specialized stanzas, only available for civ or faction aligned, hominists, theists, marauders, etc. People have plenty of spare points to spend on those anyways.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
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