q250 fires

Something else has been bugging me, and it fits with a change to the fires, should something ever materialize.

Once the fires are made indestructible in the presence of their creator and die a slow death when not, the only way to put them out prematurely should have a cost. Just as there is a cost to creating them, there should be a cost to extinguish them. Because the fires actually have a use in occupations, the cost to extinguish them should also come from the occupations.

So I propose that to extinguish an unattended fire, one must use water from the Water Carrier occupation. Water, when in the presence of a fire, shall have an additional option: Extinguish campfire. This will consume the water and extinguish the fire causing it to disappear within seconds.

If the would-be extinguisher chooses not to use water to extinguish the fire, that is a viable option. The fire will eventually burn itself out and disappear in due time.
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