More interactive ways of gaining xp

@ Marelli
Yes you're right, a cap avoids exploits... I answered too quickly.

More xp for hunting named and boss would be good.

It's kind of frustating to gain only 3k XP after an epic fight againts a boss, especially if you don't get a good loot.

I also find it kind of hard too kill small named and bosses in solo, and you don't get any xp because of the level difference, even if the fight was challenging...

I also agree with Naiper that usual missions should give better rewards
- harvesting missions should give extra XP, so that doing one hour of those missions gives more xp than digging the same node during one hour.
- hunting and fighting missions should give cats, as mission giver can't tell which skill you used to do the mission.
- crafting missions should give generic mats.
- other missions like exploring or whatever shoud give cats too


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes
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