Temporary Insanity

Sat January 23:

TI Update on Marauder Hunt:

We went after all 4 Marauders and beat our Time by 30 minutes
so taking then all down in 2:00 hrs is quite an acomplishment and the
Marauder who gives us the most trouble was killed very quickly. in less
than 9 minutes. Lixie we got you figured out now:)

We also got a couple new plans and the Crystals count is getting
bigger each passing Week. And with the Killing of Pei in midweek also
gives us a good feeling as we can Muster the Firepower to Take Down
a Marauder in a moments notice.

Special Thanks Goes to Our Friends at HoT you are awesome and
Sexy Hot :)

Stay Tuned for the next Update.....


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues
Zeige Thema
Last visit Samstag 14 September 07:45:09 UTC

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