
Free to play Ryzom, huh?

Tico, I'm not thinking about skill boosters that permanently give bonusses, but rather of something that allows a free account to temporarilly unlock higher skill levels.

E.G. for say $5 you can buy an item that will remove the level cap for one month.
$5 more gets you an item that lets you access packer storage for a month.
Another $15 one time fee allows you to buy an apartment, the storage of which is limited to half that of an apartment for a paid account but for $5 a month you can unlock the other half.

Such paid storage options are best sellers in many mmos that don't provide (or severely limit) free storage. $5 a month would be a low amount in fact compared to many (I've seen mmos sell such storage for $25 a month for less slots than you get on a packer). While there might be complaints from people who don't understand the system, it's well enough established in the industry that the majority would understand it.

Such items also wouldn't upset the gameplay balance, as they won't allow free accounts to do anything a paid account can't do, they'd just unlock options of paid accounts temporarilly at a price.

I'd (like most I guess) be dead against nerfing paid accounts in relation to items to be sold in an item mall. That'd be backstabbing loyal old customers in favour of newcomers.
And that'd include selling generic exc and sup mats in the item mall (among other things), or anything else that gives someone a potential advantage over someone who doesn't buy it, whether they have a paid account or not.
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Last visit Donnerstag 6 Juni 20:34:13 UTC

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