Eye of the Tyrancha News, Volume 2

The final issue of the Eye of the Tyrancha has left everyone on Atys shocked; how could the previously so sane Rikutatis (fashion sense notwithstanding) come to such a mad decision?!

Well, using the same investigative reporting that the Eye is so famous for, we have uncovered the truth behind the Eye's disappearance! We now give you, in 4 chapters, the full story!

Chapter 1

It turns out the cause of it all was that the Matis Nobles were unhappy with the Eye's continued prying into their social lives. After all, being a Matis Noble means your personal life consists of nothing but scheming behind the scenes, and scheming is best done, well, behind the scenes!

With considerable diplomatic effort, the Nobles managed to convince the Zoraï Awakened that the Eye was spreading superficial gossip counter-productive to true wisdom, and was encouraging Zoraï refugees to waste their time and attention on mundane matters instead of searching enlightenment! Yes, this was the true purpose of the so-called "fragrant gift", you heard it here first!

When Rikutatis stubbornly refused to stop publishing the Eye or compromise on it's content, the Awakened banished him from the Zora lands. This was the reason for his first hiatus.

Chapter 2

Publishing of the Eye could only continue when Rikutatis had set up his new base of operations in Pyr. He was quoted by the barman as saying "well the locals are a bit lazy and likely to not even warn me when kitin come knocking down my door, but at least they're not Tryker".

The Nobles again tried to contact the local government to shut him down, but the Akenak, ever the staunch Fyros, insisted any investigation for the truth must always go unhindered.

The Nobles then decided to give the Akenak a taste of what they experienced, and sent an anonymous tip to Rikutatis that Akenak Thedon Garus was up to no good. Poor Thedon soon found himself watched by Rikutatis 24 hours a day. He reportedly developed paranoid delusion and went into hiding. He still has not resurfaced, and whispers abound that he is just another crazy hermit living in a cave in Scorched Corridor now!

The remaining Akenak, fearing the same fate, banished Rikutatis from Fyros land as well. This was the reason for his second hiatus.

Chapter 3

Now unwelcome in Matis, Zoraï and Fyros lands, the poor roving reporter had no choice but to set-up in the lakelands he so hated. He was quoted by the stableboy as saying "well at least the Tryker love gossip more than anyone else, so they'll probably never banish me, besides, the Taliari can never agree on anything anyways".

Indeed, the Nobles did not even attempt to get the Taliari's help in shutting down the Eye's new operation. Instead, they decided, he needed to be dealt with once and for all this time. So they struck a deal with the Tryker loanprakker who had loaned Rikutatis the dapper to set up in the lakelands. Having to move twice had left him quite bankrupt, you see.

In return for a share of the new apartment taxes the Nobles were planning, the loanprakker was persuaded to collect the debt earlier than usual. When Rikutatis was unable to pay, a pair of brawny Smugglers apparently dragged him from his new home and dumped him in the Prime Roots.

Chapter 4

It was then and there, left for dead in the Prime Roots, that the roving reporter decided that if he was not welcome anywhere on the surface of Atys anymore, he would go out with one final act of supreme journalism, and interview the Dragon itself!

In all likeliness, this will end up achieving the Nobles' goal, as our brave reporter is likely to never be heard from again.

We shall all miss the Eye of the Ty and it's unrivalled investigative reporting. But worry not, the Nobles have not gotten away with their acts. In a final act of revenge, Rikutatis sent the Matis Court all the dirt he had on the Nobles, which turned out to be far more than he'd ever published. It revealed that the Nobles were in league with some evil organisation so secretive that nobody'd ever heard of it, and, in fact, we're pretty sure Rikutatis just made it up. Nevertheless the ensuing scandals have left all Nobles severely discredited.

And as for the dappers Rikutatis is urging his readers to send to Zora, our investigative reporting has shown that those dappers are actually being rerouted to the "Buy the Matis some Decent Beds" fund, perhaps in some last act of mockery of the Nobles.

"I may be off to a certain death, but at least I don't have to sleep on this every night!"
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