Miss and Mister Atys Contest


Eleanide was preparing everything meticulously for the 2624 event. She had sent a 1st missive to the candidates explaining how the evening would unfold. She then sent a 2nd letter to answer any questions they might have.

 She then went with the event organiser to check out the venue. On her bodoc skin, Elea ticked off as she went along


1. Pecus - shooki and byrh under surveillance - OK

  In fact, Pecus had taken the initiative by not delivering shooki to Kirini and Vortexselly's wedding.

 2. Margodeglingo - Preparing the judges' location - OK

 heberge image

3. Margodeglingo - Podium for the 3 poses - OK


 4. Icaps Krinn Trunks with candidate effects brought in - OK

 5. Margodeglingo - Decoration for the presentation podium - OK



Everything seemed to be ready for the parade except for the speeches.

She returned to the barracks, sat down at her desk and began to doodle, throwing on a skin, a 2nd skin...pulling her hair, stretching her arms .... So what did she agree to the last time StCentor was here: prepare for the election... she'd keep her word!


Rah, she had to think about her outfit too. She didn't want to look tired in front of the audience. She looked around for an outfit, throwing a few outfits on the ground here and there. She grumbled "grrr I've lost weight again, I'm going to have to clean all this up".



FB: Eleanide Ryzom
wiki: https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/M%C3%A9moires_d%E2%80%99une_homine
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