
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

[b]As the off-peak period ends in the early afternoon for players in Australia and New Zealand, and that some European players might want to use their alts as well, I was wondering : if the test goes well and the community largely wants it, would you consider in the future the possibility of extending this increased tolerance to more time zones?

I have the impression that you understand it the wrong way: the general limit is 2 accounts: In European night time (22 UT - 5 UT) four accounts are allowed. So why would it impact the multi accounts outside Europe more than in Europe? Also: reducing this the the very intention...

That said, basically everything can be done with 2 accounts other than killing certain bosses - where you then need 2 or 3 actual players.


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Last visit Sunday, 16 March 05:58:05 UTC

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