App to search for dapper and fame missions

Very nice work (thanks a lot !!!)



1. (home page) FR and ES flags need to be switched.

2. In FR pages

2.a.  Form zone:* Region form, Prime Root is in Spanish (not in French: Primes Racines)* Crafting type form: Range weapon are badly translated (Gamme instaed of Arme de tir)
2.b.  in results page,

* Task colomn: change location and what. for ex "4 x Bosquet de la Confusion Jugula" - would be better if " 4x Jugula, Bosquet de la Confusion"


* title for fame to change in FR. Faction fame (EN) is badly translated to "Faction fameuse" - who means nothing... would be better "Renommée modifiée" (fame changed) 

* in Fame results, in colomn " Faction fame" : the tribes are in English (not in French)



Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger
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